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Have you recently been told you need to become your mother’s or father’s guardian?

Did you receive a copy of a Petition for Guardianship regarding a loved one, with a note saying you are an interested party?

Are you concerned that a guardian is not acting in someone’s best interest?

A guardianship is a legal mechanism by which one individual or entity (a guardian) is appointed by a court to exercise certain decision making functions on behalf of, and in the place of, an individual that is legally “incapacitated.” When a guardianship is established, the incapacitated person’s legal right to make certain decisions with respect to his or her personal and/or financial affairs is removed and responsibility for making such decisions is given to the court-appointed guardian.

Often this is the best course of action, and necessary, when a person’s well-being is affected by their health needs or developmental disabilities.

Please contact us to learn how we can help you establish these legal arrangements for those you care about.