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TEDRA - Trust & Estate Dispute Resolution Act

Did the thanksgiving meal always end in a food fight in your family? Then don't be surprised when the after-death battle over the estate of a loved one is just as nasty.

The good news is that the probate doesn't have to end that way.

We can help you through this difficult time using the tools available under Washington law.

Often referred to as TEDRA, RCW 11.96A.010 (a law of Washington state) provides for the resolution of disputes and other matters involving trusts and estates. The provisions of this law are intended to provide resolution of matters through nonjudicial methods, such as mediation, arbitration, and agreement. This law also provides for judicial resolution of disputes if other methods are unsuccessful.

We have experience representing heirs who brought TEDRA actions, and experience representing estates that were defending TEDRA actions. Contact us to learn what we can do for you.